Who's Behind The Computer?


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Hello All,

Welcome to Chainmaillers.com. Please take a moment to introduce yourself. Let us know who you are and what brings you here, maybe post a picture of yourself and show us what you look like.

We hope you find what you're looking for and enjoy your stay with us. :)


The Chainmaillers.com Team


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Hi Everyone.....I've been making maille for almost 3 years and love it! I was looking for something to do for Christmas gifts in 2011 and happened upon a book of weaves - Classic Chain Mail Jewelry by Sue Ripsch - and was hooked. I am 52, live north of Pittsburgh, PA with my husband, 2 golden retrievers, a cat and numerous fish. After 26 years in the hotel industry I needed a break from the long grueling hours. I now work for Fetch! and take care of other folks dogs, cats, reptiles, rodents and horses as my day job. I love the flexibility it gives me to attend more arts/crafts shows and learn more weaves.
I started with junk rings from the craft store (who hasn't) and after 2 years of aluminum I have started working more and more with stainless steel and niobium.
As soon as I figure out how to load up a pic of myself I will do that :)

Bryan Szafranski

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Hi all. I've just started making maille (literally about 2 months ago). It was something I've always wanted to learn to do, so I started doing some research, and here I am. I, too, am from Pittsburgh, PA. I'm 37, married for 11 years, 2 cats and a black chow mix dog. My day job is as a billing clerk for an international law firm (K&L Gates), but I do have an IT background as well. I do this in my spare time while my wife knits...and knits.....and knits ;) I hope to expand my mailing skills soon so that I can start doing shows as well.


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My names Melody. I've been making maille for well over 10 years. My favorite metal to work with is copper but really enjoy working with most anything as long as I am mailling! I was a caregiver to my elderly grandparents for 8 years. Now i'm just kind of floating around. I love to learn, create and all of the creative process. I lost my baby(cat) just last tuesday so we only have one cat and two dogs at the moment. I look forward to sharing on here :)


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Hello, for a jeans lover, I still love sparkly. I've been making jewelry for more than fifteen years. My first piece of chain started with wire I hand sawed into rings for a Byzantine bracelet. Oh, the agony of the saw blades! When I discovered TRL my love of weaving the rings could continue. I'm a retired cat herder. All of the residents at my private zoo (AKA home) were ADD but me and the dog. Now that my children are on their own (both like to weave rings), the dog and I outnumber my husband's squirrel events and life is easier. We are retired and fortunate to live on the edge of the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Florida.


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Hey there! I'm very new to chain maille. I've only been learning for the past year. Most of what I've made has been from kits, I haven't ventured much into creating without a guide. I'm loving it though and hope to branch of more creatively soon. I'm working on learning AR at the moment, I hate math, so it's a bit of a challenge. :) I have gotten my 14 yr old into it though, she's made one ladder bracelet so far and is working on a dragonscale. I make other jewelry as well as. I'm working on inventory to get to do my first show. Unfortunately work and family life doesn't allow me a ton of time to create. We live near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


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Hello, I'm Monica. I'm 4 years new to maille, and still learning. My jewelry making started when I was 13 and my mom gave me a macrame kit to pass the time at Girl Scout camp. From there, I delved into wire working. I noticed a lot of the pieces in my book were linking parts together. I got curious about whether or not chain maille for jewelry was a thing. After finding and playing with a kit from Hobby Lobby, I found myself wanting more patterns and weaves. My mom bought me a Step by Step Wire Jewelry magazine. My first book was Chained by Rebecca Mojica. I've been running a shop on Storenvy for almost 2 years and began selling at shows this year. I live in Northwest Tennessee, a few hours north of Memphis.

Sharon Bowen

New Member
Hi I'm Sharon, I started making jewellery about 2 years ago and about 6 months later I found chainmaille and have been obsessed ever since, and feel like a sponge as there is just so much help out there from similar like minded people as well as tutorials to help to the next step.
My favourite weave so far has to be dragonscale and I am always trying to do things in the smaller rings.
I am from the North East coast of the UK.

Dena Sacks

New Member
Hi all..I'm Dena,.I've been doing beaded jewellery and participating as a vendor in various shows since 2008. I'm pretty new at making chain maille. It's a whole new world! LOL I want to try everything I see posted on FB but have to hold back and do one thing at a time. It is very different from beaded jewellery and many weaves, I'm finding, take a lot of rings! LOL It's like starting my inventory from scratch again! Anyways, everyone is wonderfully talented and very helpful and patient. I am happy to be a part of this crowd! I would love to be able to make more pieces, faster but am trying not to be unrealistic with my expectations but boy it's hard when I see so many gorgeous pieces being made! Thank you for accepting me as a member :)
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Hi I am Jo. I have been making Jewelley for 7 years now and love all mediums but chainmaille has captured me. I live in Essex in the UK with hubby 2 kids and 2 pugs. I have so much still to learn and look forward to being part of this community.:D


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Hi, I'm Steph. I started out as a watchmaker and worked in a retail store. I learned how to do pearl and bead restringing along the way and did that, too. Later, I had my own business doing watch repair and restringing. I can knot pearls like crazy. LOL. I still have most of my watch repair tools, but I don't do that as a business any more. Some of them have come in handy for chain maille, though.

A few years ago, I changed careers and became an elementary teacher (and I love it). But I still loved making bead jewelry. About 6 years ago, I stumbled upon chainmaille jewelry and immediately fell in love. Since then I've been working on learning new weaves. This summer I found the Chain Maille group on FB, and it's been so wonderful finding other people who are as obsessed as I am. I'm looking forward to being part of this new group, too!


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Hi I'm Helen. I have been in art and crafts all my life. My career was interior design for over 27 years, but last year I've forsaken that to devote myself to jewelry- especially Chain Maille. I took a class about 5 years ago with a friend, and now I'm teaching my friend other weaves as well as my original teacher. I love seeing the creativity of others, and enjoy the calm (sometimes)and pleasure when I successfully complete a new pattern. I'm hoping to go through the alphabet of designs and accomplish as many as I can, learning all the way. Like Steph, I found Chain Maille group on FB, and I've been blown away with all the wonderful pieces everyone is making. It's great to see others as crazy as I am about ChainMaille, and how helpful this community is towards one another. My dream is to create a unique pattern one day!

Keith Rye

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Hi I am Keith, from deepest darkest Dorset, UK. I started chainmailling about 6 months ago, to expand my wife`s jewellery business. she had said she did not like chain maille, but when I had made a couple of pieces, she changed her mind. I try to incorporate crystals in my pieces to give them extra bling!


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Hi, I'm Scott. I probably should've posted in this thread a while ago, but I'm lazy :) I started chainmailling a few years ago. Bought a piece that I fell in love with at the NYRF, thanks Knyghthawke Armoury, started researching the art and then decided to try my hand at it.

While I may not be the most prolific mailler, I do have a great love for this hobby.

It's why I created this site. ;)

I'm partial to JPL 3 and HP 3-1 and enjoy working with most of the available metals (still waiting to try titanium though). I'm looking forward to sharing what I know, learning more (as there's always something new to learn) and getting to know all of you better.

Hope you all enjoy your time on the site. :D

Jodey Hathaway

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Hi everyone! I'm Jodey. I've been mailling for 7+ years. I started making beaded jewelry and incorporating bicycle parts, and found that I sucked at it. :D I moved on to chain maille and bike parts and have been doing that ever since. You may recognize me from some tutorials I've written for TheRingLord.com (owl, scale bra, maille bra, etc) and from the Facebook Chain Maille group. I also work for TRL, doing their customer service. (Please contact us using orders(at)theringlord.com for questions regarding any TRL orders, etc).

In addition to working for TRL, I own my own business, Bike Part Jewelry, run an Etsy store for selling supplies, tutorials and cabochons I make, homeschool my 2 boys (ages 13 and 10). We also just moved to Houston, TX in Sept '14 from NC.

I love mailling and all the crafty stuff I do!


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Howdy y'all! I'm Casey and I am a maille addict! I have been mailling for the last 4 years with the first two years just dabbling into the art and the latter 2 years really diving in and getting better and even making my own designs. I am a married stay at home mom to 4 beautiful children and I try as hard as I can to work on my maille every day. I enjoy many other crafts including crochet and sewing but my true passion is for my pretty jump rings. I am a people pleaser and am always available to help others, whether that be with chainmaille or with personal matters. I have always been the one to give out advise to friends and the shoulder to cry on when they needed me. Though I am a terrible procrastinator when it comes to getting stuff done, I work great with a deadline.

I am always here to help.


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This is Jen, representing Jen and The Amazing Stan of Steampunk Garage. We maille as a full-time business and sell our wares at fairs and festivals 3-4 days a week. We also teach chainmaille classes in the San Francisco Bay Area, post a video blog about being crafters a couple times a year, designs kits and tutorials, and make stainless steel chainmaille every other waking moment of our lives. We love to create new designs, but rarely have the time. Our two signature pieces are the Stan Star 6 (which we do not teach) and the Scalemail Turbine (which we sell kits for).

We love to collect pieces from other chainmaillers both to study and sometimes just to have. I like being part of a niche community that is detail-oriented


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Who am I? Jeez, that's personal... I'm Frann. Representing me, working as the single cog in the Armored Hearts machine. I've been mailling since 1999. I started in armor for one small group of the SCA in Kansas and moved home to Michigan only to find that jewelry would satisfy my maille addition. I also knit and try to crochet. I show at local Art shows and in the Fetish Community. I try to do as many shows as possible and am always looking out for 'weird' venues. I love stainless steel and anodized Niobium an Titanium.

I'm a huge Fan of Jen and the Amazing Stan. And I'm a self proclaimed acolyte of Vanessa Walilko. I wanna be these people when I grow up.


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Someone wants to be like ME when they grown up? Well then, let's start with some dyed hair and a tasteful face tattoo and you'll be well on your way! ;)


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Established Member
Someone wants to be like ME when they grown up? Well then, let's start with some dyed hair and a tasteful face tattoo and you'll be well on your way! ;)
I used to dye my hair a while back and got my first two tattoos within the last few years. Working on a sleeve. Maybe a chainmaille paldron.