Future Projects


Established Member
Beta Tester
New Member
Do you think about future projects, or just try to finish what you have on hand? How many projects do you have overlapping at any given time?


Staff member
Beta Tester
I think about future projects all the time, but generally finish one before I start another one. On my walk from the train station to work (and from work to the train station) I walk through a part of NY that I call "tiny costume jewelry alley". Pretty much Broadway from 30th to about 27th or so. Many times something will catch my eye enough and I'll think "that would look so much better as chain maille". My biggest problem is actually finding the time to maille. There's just not enough hours in the day :( Of course finding the time and then realizing I don't have the rings I need is the second biggest problem. ;)


Established Member
Beta Tester
New Member
I always have several strands started in different gauges. I tend to flip from weave to weave depending on how my joints feel on any given day. There are days when I can power through 12swg for 6 hours at a time, and other days when I'm regaled to 18swg helm weave for the duration. When I feel inspired, it's great. But much of the time is spent just replenishing inventory.


Staff member
Beta Tester
When I have the time (and the rings ;)), I tend to work on whatever weave/kit has my attention at that moment. That's the great thing about it being a hobby for me, I can do what I want when I want. Well, other than the times that I get inspired and have something else going on that I can't drop to do what I'd rather be doing. 6 in one hand, half a dozen in the other I guess...


New Member
I tend to work on one project at a time, mostly because I have limited space at the moment and can't scatter too much stuff around. However, I do tend to leave "finishing" (adding clasps, etc.) for when I have a few pieces woven. So I'll just sit with clasps, hooks, and earwires, and see what can be put where.

Daniel H.

Established Member
Established Member
I have lists of future projects I want to do. I have such a limited budget right now though I can only keep maybe 2-3 small projects going at a time. I do like to switch some if I have a larger project to break up any monotony, this was an issue with my inlay.

Tomeka Watkinson

New Member
I always have multiple projects - one in the den, one for the porch, a couple to take to the gift shop where I help out (comes in handy for demos). And I always have ideas for what to make when one project is finished.


New Member
I'm an inveterate project hoarder. 9 times out of 10 I'll start three more projects before I finish the one I'd been working on. I've got a couple of large projects that I had been working on that have now become random scrap to work with, as the project itself just didn't work anymore.
Its kind of paying off, at the minute, as I am trying to do christmas gifts for my extended family and friends... which is a lot. So my 'ooh, shiny!' nature is helping out in that I'm finishing a lot of bracelets comparatively quickly.
As for future projects... I'm less organized than I should be. I have a list of weaves I want to get to, with their 'ideal' ring size, that I've been checking off as I've been putting in bank-account-shattering orders. I also have a file on my phone of pictures that I've nabbed (purely for my own record keeping... not for sharing) with notes on ring sizes, etc. that contains my eventual hopes and dreams.


New Member
I try to finish what I have, but only for fear of never returning to the previous project.


New Member
I have so many ideas for things that pile up faster than I can make them. Dozens...no several dozens of ideas that are started, at least another dozen actual pieces working....sketch pads and notepads and post it notes with little drawings and written descriptions for things to try or modifications to make, scattered all over... It's all I can do to focus long enough to get ANYTHING done. Ridonkulous, really. And all that is squeezed in between actually filling orders for things that have sold...


Established Member
Beta Tester
Established Member
I have so many ideas for things that pile up faster than I can make them. Dozens...no several dozens of ideas that are started, at least another dozen actual pieces working....sketch pads and notepads and post it notes with little drawings and written descriptions for things to try or modifications to make, scattered all over... It's all I can do to focus long enough to get ANYTHING done. Ridonkulous, really. And all that is squeezed in between actually filling orders for things that have sold...
I wish I had the filling orders problem. That would be lovely!

I'm kinda like you. I have more ideas than I have time for them! (also more than I have time for!) I keep a section in my shop binder just for the ideas I get. I'm planning shirts, dice bags, and all kinds of things.

My 'Holy Grail' project, however, (I know I've said this a few other places.) is to make a version of Elsa's ice dress. I have the patterns picked out, the basic idea sketched out and what material is going where. I just need the money to make it happen.


New Member
I usually have a few projects going at once, of varying size. For a while, I've been working on a scalemaille shirt for myself and a very heavy-duty kinged Euro belt, but then I get sidetracked with just replicating finished pieces in various colors for shows. Then I have my custom orders to fit in, and have to replace the things that have sold... so my larger projects get pushed a little further back!


New Member
Future projects? Oh, heck yes!!

Some of you may know about my Pokemon inlay, and there is a lot more work to do on it... I am guessing it's a three year project and I am barely six months in (There is only so much 4-1 I can do before I go insane). I also have a chess board and chess pieces in the back lot that I tend to search for ring sizes for (I will most likely be making the rings myself), a few ideas for vests including a Byzantine Dense Sheet and HP3-1S5 one too. Pretty sure I have quite a few things on the go too, like attaching the pokemon in one giant inlay. I can never have just one project on the go at once.


New Member
I seem to collect kits, and projects and rings - and the number of finished, done and really to leave items is not nearly as large as it should be. I seem to just like to start, realize something is easy enough to do, and Poof! another project takes over.


Established Member
Beta Tester
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New Member
Right now I have a lot of things I have to do so lots is on the back burner. Three more bracelets to go and I'll be free to have more fun!


New Member
New Member
I always work on a big project as long as i have stock of the small or i get a special order. Because i can easily finish a bracelet in a few hours or less or a necklace and return back to my shirts and coifs. thought about working on dice bags but haven't had much luck with them.


New Member
I try to get things done one at a time... unless, like in the case of my Don Quixote inlay, it's going to take hundreds of hours... then I break that beast up.

sian griffiths

New Member
the only future projects i have in mind right now are that some day i will learn VB, and that my brother wants me to make him a scale maille cloak with a really cool dragon clasp that i got. no idea as yet how i am going to do that one.

Cheryl Sherry

New Member
I am always thinking about my next project. I go strolling through my books and wonder if I have the materials to make it and if I don't where and when can I get them. As well as mailling, I also do many other crafts.


New Member
I write down everything that I want to do and on the next day make another list and then another... Currently have 5 projects waiting my attention. And considering what new 5 weaves to try. :D